Balance and Mobility

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The Sun Health Wellness team is ready to take your call. For more information or to book an appointment, contact us at:

(623) 471-9355

Falls are a major health issue that impact many older adults. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 33 percent of adults 65 and older fall each year. Some falls result in serious consequences that lead to a loss of independence. Falls are also a common cause of traumatic injuries in older adults, such as hip fractures or head trauma. This leads many people to develop a fear of falling, which can make them less active and otherwise affect how they spend each day.

At Sun Health Wellness, we focus on helping you work towards a life free from falls, so you can get more out of life and live worry-free. With the proper program of education and training, you can expect to be one step closer to enjoying a healthy, fall-free lifestyle.

Even if your main concern isn’t falling, basic limb strength and muscle tone are a few contributors to overall great health and wellbeing. With stronger muscles and better balance, you can live each day more confidently, ultimately increasing your quality of life and your ability to partake in physical activity.

How We Can Help

The first step in fall prevention is an awareness of potential risk factors including balance issues, stability, muscular strength and flexibility. Poor balance and decreased lower body strength can increase the risk of falling. For this reason, we offer multiple proven balance assessments and training programs designed to address this serious issue.

A Matter of Balance Program

Eight-Week Series, Basic Level
This nationally recognized, evidence-based education program helps individuals learn to control their fear of falling through exercise, practical tips and problem solving in a supportive group environment. The Matter of Balance program includes eight, two-hour sessions. Range-of-motion, strength and stretching activities are introduced at week three.

Fit and Balanced Program

Eight-Week Series, Basic Level
This beginner level, low-intensity program focuses on strength, flexibility and balance exercises used in the “A Matter of Balance program” with gradual progression, using a chair as support.

Individual Balance Assessment and Training Program

Eight-Week Program, Intermediate Level
A one-on-one balance and strength training program consisting of a comprehensive fall-risk assessment, eight weekly training sessions (45 minutes each) and a post-program assessment. Instruction is provided by an exercise physiologist or personal trainer and includes a personalized program focused on strength building, flexibility and balance exercise. Fall prevention information and a home exercise plan are included.

Pricing and Services

Whether your goal is to reduce the risk of falling or increase flexibility, we have a variety of balance and mobility services for you to choose from. Our incredible team of professionals are dedicated to your success and will work with you every step of the way.

Fall Risk Assessment with Personalized Recommendations | $90

Balance Assessment and Training Program – 8 Weeks| $250

Individual Balance Assessment and Training Program – 8 Weeks | $250

Group Balance and Strength Training Program – 8 Weeks | $139

Fit and Balanced – 8 Weeks | $40

A Matter of Balance Program – 8 Weeks | $25

Wellness Advocates

Our Wellness Advocates are here to support you through your health journey.

Class Calendar

We update our class calendar every month and always have new topics to cover.