Kidney Disease

Kidney disease is a chronic condition that describes the gradual loss of kidney function. The kidneys filter wastes and excess fluids from the blood, which are then excreted in the body’s urine. In the early stages of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), individuals may have few signs or symptoms. Chronic Kidney Disease may not become apparent until kidney function is significantly impaired. When Chronic Kidney Disease reaches an advanced stage, dangerous levels of fluid, electrolytes and wastes can build up.

Over 37 million American adults are estimated to have Chronic Kidney Disease and 90% of cases are undiagnosed. The most common risk factors for developing Chronic Kidney Disease include high blood pressure that is difficult to control, obesity and diabetes. Symptoms of the disease develop slowly and oftentimes aren’t specific to the disease itself. This can make it challenging to understand the severity of the condition, including the damage that may be caused to the heart, blood vessels and more.

At Sun Health Wellness, we’re here to help you better understand and manage your condition. We have a team of trained and certified dietitians, exercise physiologists and wellness advocates that are here to help you through your health journey.

How We Can Help


Educational resources are available to help you manage kidney disease with proper nutrition, physical activity and other healthy behavior changes.

Personalized Recommendations

Our team works with you to develop a plan tailored to your lifestyle with realistic goals targeted to address your condition.


Receive nutritional guidance from our registered dietitians in addition to a personalized exercise plan from certified exercise physiologists.

LiveWell Magazine

Sun Health Wellness is dedicated to providing the tools and resources to promote a healthier, more active lifestyle for all. LiveWell magazine is available to the community and contains monthly health and wellness information, upcoming health and wellness programs and classes and inspiring impact stories from members of the community.

Wellness Advocates

Our Wellness Advocates are here to support you through your health journey.

Class Calendar

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